


考研英语  时间: 2019-04-08 14:08:45  作者: 匿名 

  As is suggested by the picture (,) a man is walking and singing happily with a basket in his left hand and a briefcase in his right, while his dog is also running happily (along) with him. As is suggested in the picture,(It can be easily drawn from the picture that)  the man must(can) be excesing(exercising like) by waving the basket and thebriefcse(briefcase) together wherever and whenever you can excise() if you want.

  The picture is thought-provoking in that it endeavors to convince its audience(reader)that wherever and whenever() you can excise if you want(regardless of place and time).Nowdays (Nowadays), more and more people are working in the office and engaging in brain action (activity), as a result, most of them are lack of phiscal(phisycal) movement which add to their unhealthness (poor health). Some of them argue that they are so busy that they can't even squeenze (squeeze) time out to do excises in gym,(.) (But) but just as the picture depicts, if you would like to, you can excese(do it) when you are walking on the road, sitting on a bus, or even laying on the bed, which(all) depends onwheather (whether) you have a consciousness of excise(exercise).

  I reckon that the consiousness(consciousness) of keeping healthy(exercising) isimpotant (important) to both the individual and the socialty(society). On the individual level(part) it can impove (improve) your quality of life like the man in the picture with good health and mood. On the social level(aspect) it can contribute to a harmonious society.


