


考研英语  时间: 2019-03-08 16:56:40  作者: 匿名 

Recruitment announcement

Do you want to be part of(组织/单位名称) do you want to (工作带啦的诱人待遇?) here comes your opportunity becoming (职位名称).

In order to assure its success, we will recruit …from… .if you possess(应聘者需要具备的素质),you will be the ideal candidate we are looking for.

To seize such wonderful opportunity, you just need to send your resume to…. Tf needing more details ,please contact us at our telephone number 123456789.



Dear Sir:

I would like to inquire about some information on (主旨),I would be very grateful if you could reply as soon as possible.

I shall be grateful if you could have details concerning (主旨)available. we would be grateful for many further information you may be able to give us about the (主旨).

Would you please tell me …. I am looking forward to a favorable reply at your earliest convenience.

Yours sincerely,

Li ming


Dear … :

I am pleased to invite you to participate in (活动名称)to be held from 时间to 时间 in 地点. You are welcome to the party.

The party will hold a lot of wonderful surprise for you ,so make sure you join us then. It will also be an opportunity for all of us to step out of our professional roles and really connect as people.

活动名称 is served st 6pm,and there are games afterwards. We hope you can conce, and look forward to seeing you by then. I am looking forward to your reply.

Yours sincerely,

Li ming


Dear … :

I am extremely glad to hear that you 成就in your …. I congratulate you on this achievement.

It is excellment of you to 成就 .as we all know, you are always intelligence, which is essential to 成就. Moreover, your diligence enable you to 成就. I think that is 主题句.

There is no doubt that 成就. Having you as a friend , I really feel both proud and lucky because I can often learn so much from you. I am sure, you will continue to challenge your self to ever greater success in your future career.

Yours sincerely,

Li ming


Dear … :

I have read your advertisement in 地点of 时间for 职位, and should be grateful if you consider me as a candidate for the position.

Keenly interested I am in the post of 职位 you have advertised on the job market because I think my major ,right personality and my practical experience particularly matches your requirements of the post. For one thing, …. For another, …

I shall be pleased to furnish you with any further information concerning my education and work experience. If my application were taken into favorable consideration, I would be most grateful. I am looking forward to your early reply.

Yours sincerely,

Li ming

