


模拟试题  时间: 2019-03-09 10:08:03  作者: 匿名 
Directions:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on ANSWER SHEET 1. (10 points)

All Sumerian cities recognized a number of gods in common, including the sky god, the lord of storms, and the morning and evening star.__1__the Sumerian worshipped the goddess of fertility, love, and war, she was evidently lower__2__status than the male gods, indicating that in a more urbanized society the__3__that the peoples of previous times had paid to the earth mother goddess had__4__. The gods seemed hopelessly violent and __5__, and one‘s life a period of slavery at their easy will. The epic poem The Creation emphasizes that__6__were created to enable the gods to__7__ up working. Each city moreover had its own god, who was considered to__8__ the temple literally and who was in theory the owner of all property within the city.__9__the priests who interpreted the will of the god and controlled the__10__ of the economic produce of the city were favored__11__ their supernatural and material functions __12__. When, after 3,000 B. C., growing warfare among the cities made military leadership__13__, the head of the army who became king assumed a(n)__14__position between the god, whose agent he was, and the priestly class, whom he had both to use and to __15__. Thus king and priests represented the upper class in a hierarchical society.__16__them were the scribes, the secular attendants of the temple, who__17__every aspect of the city’s economic life and who developed a rough judicial system.__18__the temple officials, society was divided among an elite or__19__ group of large landowners and military leaders; a mixed group of merchants, artisans, and craftsmen, free peasants who__20__ the majority of the population; and slaves. 1. [A] Unless [B] As [C] Lest [D] Although 2. [A] on [B] in [C] with [D] about 3. [A] worship [B] reverence [C] admiration [D] gratitude 4. [A] vanished [B] recovered [C] declined [D] attained 5. [A] unpredictable[B] unforgivable[C] unlimited [D] unlikely 6. [A] creatures [B] animals [C] men [D] mortals 7. [A] use [B] turn [C] give [D] back 8. [A] inhabit [B] live [C] reside [D] lodge 9. [A] Hence [B] Thereafter [C] Somehow [D] Incidentally 10. [A] introduction[B] transaction [C] distribution[D] provision 11. [A] as [B] for [C] under [D] of 12. [A] along [B] anyway [C] afterwards [D] alike 13. [A] additional [B] vital [C] singular [D] exceptional 14. [A] alternative [B] secondary [C] intermediate[D] fundamental 15. [A] pacify [B] tempt [C] suppress [D] manipulate 16. [A] Beside [B] Beyond [C] Below [D] Before 17. [A] supervised [B] held [C] managed [D] presided 18. [A] Around [B] Under [C] Above [D] Outside 19. [A] leading [B] noble [C] controlling [D] principal 20. [A] consist [B] compose [C] compile [D] consume

答案1. D 2. B 3. B 4. C 5. A 6. D 7.C 8.A 9. A 10. C 11. B 12. D 13.B 14.C 15. A 16. C 17. A 18. D 19. B 20. B


试题精解1.[精解] 本题考查逻辑词。空格处填入的连词出现在句首,说明空格所在分句与下文之间的逻辑关系。选项中,unless表条件,意为“除非”;as作连词,表时间或原因,意为“当……时;因为,由于”;lest表目的,意为“惟恐,以免”,如He emphasized it again and again, lest she should forget.(他反复强调这一点,免得她忘了。)although表让步,意为“虽然,尽管”。根据文意,“苏美尔人崇拜代表繁衍、爱和战争的女神”与“她在地位上却明显低于男性的神”之间存在转折关系,因此选[D]。

2.[精解] 本题考查介词用法辨析。空格所在部分存在一个形容词的比较级,即,lower than…… .空格处的介词和status搭配,表示“在地位方面”。in常用在形容词后,表示“在……方面”,如She was not lacking in courage.(她并不缺乏勇气。)a country rich in minerals(矿藏丰富的国家)。因此[B]in为正确项。

其它选项都可与形容词连用。on表示“影响到”,如He‘s hard on his kids.(他对自己的孩子很严厉。)with表示“关于,对于”,如Be careful with the glasses.(小心这些玻璃杯。)Are you pleased with the result?(你对结果满意吗?)with也可表示“因为,由于”,如His fingers were numb with cold.(他的手指冻僵了。)about表示“关于,对于”,如What’s she so angry about?(她为什么生这么大的气?)

3.[精解] 本题考查名词词义辨析。空格所在部分为分词结构,作状语,即,indicating that…… .其中that引导宾语从句,空格处填入的名词为从句的主语。该名词后又跟有that引导的定语从句:that the peoples…… goddess.将空格处的名词,即that代替的先行词放回定语从句,其完整结构是:the peoples of previous times had paid3 to the earth mother goddess.选项中四个名词为近义词,worship意为“崇拜,敬仰”;reverence意为“尊敬,崇敬”;admiration意为“钦佩,赞赏,羡慕”;gratitude“感谢”。从含义上看,人类对神应该是“崇拜”或“崇敬”,因此[A]和[B]比较恰当。其次,句中的搭配是pay sth. to sb.,表示“付出某事物给某人”。常用于这种搭配的是reverence及其同义词respect,pay reverence/respect to意为“尊敬,向……致敬”。因此本题应选[B]。

4.[精解] 本题考查动词词义辨析。由上一题的分析可知,indicating后是that引导的宾语从句,其主语是the reverence,本题空格处填入的动词是其谓语。由于需要的是一个不及物动词,首先排除[D] attain,它只能作及物动词,必须接宾语,意为“达到,获得”,如attain my purpose(达到我的目的)。其它选项:vanish意为“消失”;recover意为“恢复,复原”;decline意为“减少,下降,衰弱”。由上文可知,苏美尔人崇拜女神,但她的地位低于男性的神。可见,这种崇拜已经减少。因此[C]为正确答案。

5.[精解] 本题考查形容词词义辨析。空格处填入的形容词与violent并列,说明神的特点。unpredictable意为“不可预知的,捉摸不定的”;unforgivable意为“不可原谅的”;unlimited意为“无限的,不受限制的”;unlikely意为“不太可能的”。下文and连接的并列分句是对空格所在分句的解释:人的一生将是任他们摆布的被奴役的一生。导致这种结果的特点应该是“捉摸不定的”,因此[A]为正确项。

补充:one是泛指代词,指“任何一个人”。at will“任意,随意”,如They were able to come and go at will.(他们能够来去自由。)

6.[精解] 本题考查名词词义辨析。上文提到,神使人的一生成为任他们摆布和奴役的一生。空格所在分句则从《创世记》找到证据支持上文中的观点,因此该句的内容仍然是关于神和人的关系。空格处应填入表示“人类”的名词。creature意为“生物”,指人时多带有感情色彩,指具有某种特征的人,如You pathetic creature!(你这可怜的家伙!)animals意为“动物”。men是man的复数形式,意为“男人们”,指人类时应用其单数形式man,如the damage caused by man to the environment(人类给环境带来的破坏)。mortal作形容词时,意为“终将死亡的”;作名词时,意为“凡人,普通人”。因此本题应选[D]mortals. 7.[精解] 本题考查短语动词辨析。空格处填入的动词与副词up搭配构成短语动词。use up意为“用完,耗尽”,如He used up all the money.(他把所有的钱都花光了。)turn up意为“开大(音量、热量等);找到,发现”,如The farmer turned up a human skull while ploughing the field.(那个农民犁地时挖出一个人类的头颅骨。)give up意为“放弃”,常接动名词作宾语,如give up smoking(戒烟)。back up意为“支持,援助”,如The rebels backed up their demands with threats.(反叛者以恐吓手段要挟。)根据上下文意,神奴役人类,人被创造出来后神就不用再劳动。因此[C]正确。

8.[精解] 本题考查动词词义辨析。空格处填入动词,其宾语是the temple(庙宇),其逻辑主语是who替代的名词god(神)。选项中的四个动词为近义词,都可表示“居住”,但能够作及物动词的只有[A]inhabit,它意为“居住在,栖息于”,如Some of the rare species inhabit the area.(一些罕见物种生活在这个地区。)因此[A]是正确项。

其它项意为“居住”时都只能作不及物动词,如live in a house(住在一所房子里)。This family has resided in this city for 60 years.(这个家族住在本城已有60年了。)I lodged at a friend‘s house.(我寄住在一个朋友家里。)live也可作及物动词,但意为“(以某种方式)生活,过日子”,如She lived a peaceful life.(她过着十分宁静的生活。)

9.[精解] 本题考查逻辑词辨析。空格处填入的副词出现在句首,表示空格所在分句与上文的逻辑关系。Hence表示因果关系,意为“因此,所以”,如My mother is by herself; hence I must go home now.(我母亲一个人在家待着,所以我现在得回家了。)Thereafter表示时间关系,意为“其后,从那时以后”,如You will be accompanied as far as the border; thereafter you must find your own way.(有人送你到边境, 然后你就得自己走了。)Somehow意为“由于某种未知的原因,不知怎么地”,如She looked different somehow.(不知怎么地,她看上去变了。)incidentally意为“顺便提一句;偶然地,附带地”,如The information was only discovered incidentally.(这个信息只是偶然得到的。)空格上一句提到,神是城市里所有财产的拥有者。空格所在分句的主干结构是the priests were favored,the priests后who引导的一个较长的定语从句指出,僧侣诠释神的意志。因此两个分句之间是因果逻辑关系,即,由于神的权力很大,因此诠释神的意志的人受到青睐。[A]为正确项。

10.[精解] 本题考查名词词义辨析。空格处填入名词,和后面的定语of the economic produce of the city一起作controlled的宾语。introduction意为“采用,引进,推行”,如the introduction of new manufacturing methods(新制造方法的采用)。transaction意为“办理,处理”,如the transaction of government business(处理政府事务)。distribution意为“分配,分布;分发,分送”,如the distribution of wealth/food and medicines(财富/食品和药物的分配)。provision意为“提供,供给”,如the provision of health care(提供医疗服务)。由上文可知,神是所有财产的拥有者,而僧侣诠释神的意志,因此僧侣负责产品的“分配”,[C]为正确项。

11.[精解] 本题考查介词用法辨析。空格所在句子的主干结构是the priests were favored,后面紧跟着的介词短语“11 their supernatural and material functions”作状语。用在动词后,as意为“作为,当作”,如Treat me as a friend.(把我当朋友看。)for意为“为了;因为”,如soldiers fight for their country(军人为祖国出征),I couldn‘t speak for laughing.(我笑得说不出话来。)under意为“在……下面;根据,按照;受……影响”,如The wall collapsed under the strain.(墙壁因承受不了重压而坍塌了。)of用在某些动词后,接动作所涉及的人或事,如Think of a number.(想一个数字。)根据句意,应选表原因的介词,即,[B]for. 12.[精解] 本题考查副词用法辨析。空格处填入的词出现在句末,用在两个并列的名词,即,supernatural (functions) and material functions之后。有这种用法的是[D]alike,它作副词时可用在提到的两个人或两种事物之后,意为“两者都,同样地”,如Safety management benefits employers and employees alike.(安全管理对雇主和雇员都同样有利。)其他项都可作副词,但不符合文意。along 意为“向前”,如The policeman told the crowds to move along.(警察叫人群向前走动。)anyway意为“不管怎样”,如The house was locked and I cannot get in anyway.(屋子锁着,我无论如何也进不去。)afterwards意为“以后,后来”,如Let’s go to the theatre first and eat afterwards.(咱们先去看戏,然后再吃吧。)

13.[精解] 本题考查形容词词义辨析。空格所在部分是when引导的时间状语从句,其主干结构是warfare made military leadership__13__,空格处填入的形容词作宾补。additional意为“附加的,另外的”,如additional charges(额外的费用)。vital意为“至关重要的”,如The heart is a vital organ.(心脏是十分重要的器官。)singular意为“单数的;非凡的,显著的”,如landscape of singular beauty(无比优美的风景)。exceptional意为“杰出的,优秀的;异常的,特别的”,如exceptional talent as a musician(非凡的音乐才能),in exceptional circumstances(在特殊情况下)。根据句意,应该是“战争使军事领导才能更显重要”,因此[B]为正确项。

14.[精解] 本题考查形容词词义辨析。空格所在句子的主干是:the head of the army assumed a(n)__14__position between the god and the priestly class.alternative意为“可供替换的”,如Have you got an alternative suggestion?(你有没有其他建议?)secondary意为“次要的,从属的”,如Experience is what matters—age is of secondary importance.(重要的是经验——年龄是次要的。)intermediate意为“(两地、两物、两种状态等)之间的,中间的”,如Liquid crystals are considered to be intermediate between liquid and solid.(液晶被认为介于液态和固态之间。)fundamental意为“基本的,根本的”,如a fundamental difference(根本的区别)。由于下文提到,“居于神和僧侣阶层之间的”,因此空格处应填入[C]。

