


模拟试题  时间: 2019-03-09 10:09:16  作者: 匿名 

Directions:Read the following text carefully and then translate the underlined segments into Chinese. Your translation should be written clearly on ANSWER SHEET II.

1) During the adolescence, the development of political ideology becomes apparent in the individual ; ideology here is defined as the presence of roughly consistent attitudes, more or less organized in reference to a more encompassing set of general principles. As such, political ideology is dim or absent at the beginning of adolescence. Its acquisition by the adolescent, in even the most modest sense, requires the acquisition of relatively sophisticated cognitive skills: the ability to manage abstractness, to synthesize and generalize, to imagine the future. These are accompanied by a steady advance in the ability to understand principles.

The child’s rapid acquisition of political knowledge also promotes the growth of political ideology during adolescence. 2) By knowledge I mean more than the dull "facts" such as the composition of country government, that the child is exposed to in the conventional ninth-grade school course. Nor do I mean only information on current political realities. 3) These are facts of knowledge, but they are less critical than the adolescent’s absorption of a feeling for those many unspoken assumptions about the political system that comprise the common ground of understanding, for example, what the state can "appropriately" demand of its citizens, and vice versa, or the "proper" relationship of government to subsidiary social institutions such as the schools and churches. Thus, political knowledge is the awareness of social assumptions and relationships as well as of objective facts. 4 ) Much of the naiveté that characterizes the younger adolescent’s grasp of politics stems not from an ignorance of "facts" but from an incomplete comprehension of the common conventions of the system, of what is and is not customarily done, and of how and why it is or is not done.

Yet I do not want to overemphasize the significance of increased political knowledge in forming adolescent ideology. Over the years I have become progressively disenchanted about the centrality of such knowledge and have come to believe that much current work in political socialization, by relying too heavily on its apparent acquisition, has been misled about the tempo of political understanding in adolescence. 5) Just as young children can count numbers in series without grasping the principle of ordination, young adolescents may have in their heads many random bits of political information without a secure understanding of those concepts that would give order and meaning to the information.

Children’s minds pick up bits and pieces of data, but until the adolescent has grasped the encompassing function that concepts and principles provide, the data remain fragmented, random, disordered.


Part A

Directions: Your good friend Pain has been admitted by the famous Tsinghua University as a Master of Science student in Mathematics. Write him a letter in congratulation of his achievement and express your regards.

You should write about 100 words on ANSWER SHEET II. Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter. Use "Li Ming" instead. You don’t need to write the address.

Part B

Directions:Study the .following picture carefully and write an essay of 160~200 words in which you should

1) describe the drawing Piefly,

2) interpret the intended meaning reflected by it, and

3) give your comment.


1) 在青少年时期,政治观念的发展在每个人身上明显体现出来。在这里,政治观念是指存在的一些大体上一致的态度,根据一套更有组织性的一般原则大致地组合在一起。

 [要点] 被动语态的翻译;非谓语动词的翻译

[句法] 并列句。翻译注意:(1)is defined as翻译成主动语态,译为“是指”。(2) organized...过去分词短语修饰attitudes,因为较长,采用“转化法”独立翻译成分句。

[词法] (1) presence根据语境转换译作形容词“存在的”。(2)encompass意为“包围,围绕”,因为与roughly consistent相对比,可以翻译为“有缍织的,协调的”。

2) 在这里,我所说的政治知识,并不仅仅是像国家政府机构等这样的枯燥知识,这些知识在常规的九年制教育中早已教授给学生了。

 [要点] 定语从句的翻译;被动语态的翻译

[句法] 复合句。that引导的定语从句修饰facts,that在从句中作expose to的宾语;such as...作插入语。翻译注意:(1)that引导的定语从句应采取“分译后置法”独立成句。(2) is exposed to翻译成主动语态“教授给”。

[词法] knowledge指前面提到的political knowledge,因此增词译作“政治知识”。

3) 这些是具体的知识,但是青少年吸收理解许多关于政治系统的不言而喻的假定要更重要一些。这些假定,例如国家可以“适当地”对民众提出什么要求或民众对国家提出什么要求,以及政府与学校、教会等社会辅助机构之间“特定的”关系等,形成了理解政治系统的共同基础。

 [要点] 比较结构的翻译;代词they的翻译

[句法] 由but连接的并列复合句。than...schools and churches作比较状语。其中包含that引导的定语从句修饰assumptions;for example后面的两个例子是对assumptions的补充说明。翻译注意:因为but后面的分句主要讲absorption,所以有必要在翻译时将主语由they调整为absorption。因此less critical than的比较含义就应该按照逻辑顺序翻译为“更重要一些”。

[点拨] absorption of a feeling for意为“关于…的感受的吸收”,如果这样翻译将十分拗口,让人看不明白,因此将absorption和feeling合在一起处理为“吸收理解”。

4) 青少年对政治存有幼稚想法并非源于他们对“事实”的忽视,而是由于他们对政治系统的惯例不完全理解,对一些常规和非常规的做法以及事情该怎么做、为什么做或为什么不做等缺乏认识。

 [要点] 定语从句的翻译;介词结构的翻译

[句法] 复合句。句子主干由not from...but from...串联而成。that引导的定语从句修饰naiveté;名词结构an incomplete comprehension后跟了三个of引导的介词结构。翻译注意:定语从句可以逆向翻译,省去这个从句,直接翻译为“青少年对政治存有幼稚想法”。of引导的介词结构由于较长,翻译时可重复其中心词。

5) 像儿童不用掌握排列原则就能学会数数一样,青少年也可以在脑海中形成许多随意而零碎的政治信息,而无需明确理解这些信息背后的概念。

 [要点] 方式状语从句的翻译;定语从句的翻译

[句法] 复合句。as引导方式状语从句;that引导的定语从句修饰concepts,采用“前置法”翻译成“的”字结构。

[词法] secure的意思是“安全的;可靠的”,因其与understanding搭配,故引申为“明确理解”。


Part A


Dear Pain,

I have learned with delight that you have been admitted by the famous Tsinghua University as a Master of Science student in Mathematics. I would like to extend to you my utmost congratulations.

You must be very happy at the good news. I know this is surely owing to your talent and diligence. It is also a reward you richly deserve for your years of hard work. And as your good friend I feel very happy for you, too.

Kindly let me know when you are free. I hope that we have time to get together. Wish you a more successful future.

Sincerely yours,

Li Ming


On Policy Making

①From the picture, we know that a man is weaving a bamboo basket. ②On the one hand, he is going great guns to do his job. ③On the one hand, the baskets already made have formed a small mountain on which spiders are spinning webs. ④Symbolically, the bamboo baskets represent rules and regulations made by the authorities. ⑤Therefore, it can easily be seen that the picture is aiming at the phenomenon that nowadays rules and regulations are frequently made but rarely enforced.

⑥There are many reasons accounting for the above phenomenon. ⑦The most contributing one is that some policy makers don’t take the reality into consideration when they lay down rules and regulations. As a result, these rules are only found useless. ⑧In addition, official corruption is part of the cause. ⑨To improve performance and get promotion, many officials go astray and mistakenly think that policies they formulate are a direct reflection of their achievements.

⑩Considering the above analysis, I think immediate measures should be taken to prevent the problem from deteriorating.  On the one hand, policy makers should never abandon their tradition of doing things in a practical and realistic way.  On the other hand, it is necessary for authorities to pay close attention to the enforcement of rules.

