


模拟试题  时间: 2019-03-09 10:09:17  作者: 匿名 


In the following article, some sentences have been removed. For Questions 41-45, choose the most suitable one from the lish A-G to fit into each of the numbered blank. There are two extra choices that do not fit in any of the gaps. Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET 1. (10 points)

Rain forest structure is distinct from most other forest types because of its many layers of vegetation, referred to as strata. The lowest stratum is the understory, composed of palms, herbaceous plants (such as wild ginger), and tree seedlings and saplings. (1) _____________. Many have deep red coloring on the underside of their leaves to capture some of the scarce light that does manage to reach the forest understory. This red coloring enables understory plants to absorb light of different wavelengths than do the plants with rich, green-foliaged canopy, the umbrella-shaped upper structure of trees. Above the forest floor but below the canopy are one or more midstory strata, made up of woody plants, such as large shrubs and midsized trees.

The overstory is the canopy, in which the tree crowns form a continuous layer that captures the major part of the rainwater and sunlight hitting the forest. The height of the canopy varies from region to region and forest to forest, ranging from 20 to 50 m (65 to 165 ft). (2) ____________. Researchers use hot air balloons, cables, catwalks, towers, sophisticated tree-climbing gear, and even robots to study the millions of plants and animals that make their home high up in the forest canopy. Canopy researchers also use huge cranes that are dropped into the heart of the forest by helicopters. Suspended from the crane’s long, movable arm is a large cabin that functions as a mobile treetop laboratory. Moving from tree to tree, forest researchers collect specimens, conduct experiments, and observe life in the canopy frontier.

The highest stratum of the rain forest is made up of the emergent trees, those individuals that stick up above the forest canopy. Emergents, which do not form a continuous layer, are usually the giants of the forest, reaching heights of 35 to 70 m (115 to 230 ft) or more, and trunk sizes of over 2 m (6.6 ft) in diameter. (3) _____________. However, these trees tend to be so large that they collectively account for the vast majority of the woody mass, or biomass, of the forest.

The nicely ordered strata of the rain forest, including the continuous layer of the canopy, are regularly disturbed by naturally occurring events, such as falling trees. Trees in a rain forest canopy are often interconnected by vines, and a falling tree may pull as well as push other trees down with it, producing a domino effect of falling trees. The resulting opening in the forest canopy enables light to pour onto the forest floor. (4) _________________.

Other natural disturbances create even larger openings in the forest canopies. For example, along the hurricane belt in the Caribbean and the typhoon belt along the western Pacific, some forests are substantially altered when high winds and storms blow down hundreds of trees every few decades. (5) _________________. Scientists have found that these natural disturbances and the subsequent forest regeneration are a vital process that leads to healthy and diverse forests.

[A] New plants and animals then move into the area and begin to grow.

[B] Just 2 percent of the sunlight goes through the many layers of leaves and  branches above, so understory plant species have developed special traits to cope with low light levels.

[C] On a smaller scale, large mammals, such as elephants, regularly destroy rain forest vegetation in the Congo River Basin in Africa.

[D] An understory of shorter trees and a lacework of woody vines, or lianas, produce a forest of such complex internal architecture that many animals, including some sizable ones, rarely or never descend to the ground.

[E] Less than one percent of the trees in the forest reside in the canopy and emergent layers.

[F] Because more light penetrates the canopy, however, the vegetation of the understory and forest floor is better developed than in the tropics.

[G] The rich, green canopy is teeming with life, and forest researchers have developed ingenious methods for accessing this mysterious ecosystem.


1.B  2.G  3.E  4.A  5.C






[A] 新的动植物会搬到这些地方并开始生长。

[B] 下层植被形成了适应低光强的特性。

[C] 有些大的哺乳动物通常会破坏非洲刚果河盆地的热带雨林植被。

[D] 下层植被和藤蔓植物形成了具有相当复杂的内部体系的森林。

[E] 生长在冠层和新生树木层的树较少。

[F] 由于阳光穿透冠层使下层植被和森林地表植被生长得更好。

[G] 研究者已经找到了评估森林冠层的独创的方法。


1.[精解]  本题考查的知识点是:段落内一致性原则+上下文的衔接


2.[精解]  本题考查的知识点是:段落内一致性原则+上下文的衔接


3.[精解]  本题考查的知识点是:上下文的衔接+词语的呼应

本题空格出现在第三段中。上文介绍了在热带雨林最上层的新生树木的特点。下文只有一句话,其中出现了表转折的逻辑词however和代词these trees。从文章结构看,第一至三段已经依次介绍了热带雨林的下层、中层、冠层和最上层,因此本题空格处不应该再回过去只谈论下层或冠层。与上文内容能很好衔接的只有[E],它直接提到了“新生树木层”;而且它的内容与下文也能构成转折,即,虽然树较少,但是都很粗壮。

4.[精解] 本题考查的知识点是:上下文的衔接

本题空格出现在第四段末。上文介绍了雨林中连续的的树层可能遭到的破坏及影响。下文即第五段首句提到,其他的自然干扰会造成冠层更大的空隙。由此可知,上下文论述的是自然干扰对树层的影响。根据段落一致原则,空格处应延续上文的内容。[A]和上文能够衔接,其中the area指代上文中the forest floor。[C]有一定的干扰性,其中destroy一词与上文disturb呼应,但是从内容看,“非洲刚果河盆地的热带雨林植被”无法与上文“连续的树层”衔接。[D]虽然重现了上文的词语vines,但其内容与上下文毫无关联。[F]干扰性最大,其中从句“由于更多的阳光穿透森林冠层”与上文衔接非常紧密,但是主句内容与上下文都无法衔接,而且出现了新信息“in the tropics”。

5.[精解] 本题考查的知识点是:段落内一致性原则+上下文的衔接







(5)emergent(a.)新兴的,处于发展初期的 emerge(v.)出现

(6)vines (n.) 藤,蔓

(7)domino (n.)骨牌,多米诺骨牌

(8)regeneration (n.)再生,重建


热带雨林的结构有别于其它大部分森林类型,原因就在于它有很多的植被层,称之为树层。最低层是下层植被,由棕榈树、草本植物(如野姜花)、树苗和小树构成。仅有2%的阳光可以透过上面众多的叶层和枝层,所以下层植被形成了适应低光强的特性。[B] 许多植物的叶子下侧呈深红色,以便获取能够到达森林下层植被的少量的光。这种红颜色使下层植被比起那些有很多绿色叶子组成的冠层(即,树的伞状上层结构)的植被更能吸收不同波长的光。在森林地表以上冠层以下是一个或多个中间层,由灌木丛和中等大小的树木等木本植物组成。

冠层就是森林的上层,其中树冠形成连续不断的层面并获取到达森林的大部分雨水和阳光。冠层的高度因地区和森林的不同而不同,范围在20-50米(65-105英尺)之间。这个浓郁的绿色森林冠层焕发着勃勃生机,森林研究者已经找到了评估这个神秘的生态系统的一些独创的方法。[G] 研究人员使用热气球、电缆、狭窄过道、铁塔、精密的爬树设备,甚至使用机器人来研究数百万种把巢筑在高高的冠层上的动植物。冠层研究者们还使用大型的起重机,通过直升飞机将它们安置在森林的中心地带。悬挂在起重机长长的活动臂上的是一个较大的屋子,作为一个移动的树冠实验室使用。通过在树与树之间移动,研究者们收集样本、进行实验并且在冠层最边缘处观察生命。

热带雨林的最上层由新生的树木组成,那些独立的树在冠层上部竖起。这些新生的树木没有形成一个连续层,但它们通常是森林的“巨人”,高度可达35-70米(115-230英尺)或者更高,树干的直径也有两米多(6.6英尺)。但是,森林中不到1%的树生长在冠层和新生树木层。[E] 尽管如此,这些树一般都很粗壮,因此构成了森林中大部分的树木或生物物质。



