


模拟试题  时间: 2019-03-09 10:09:33  作者: 匿名 

One great benefit of the Web is that it allows us to move information online that now resides in paper form. Several states in America are using the Web in a profound way. You can apply for various permits or submit applications for business licences. Some states are putting up listings of jobs—not just state government jobs, but all the jobs available in the state. I believe, over time, that all the information that governments print, and all those paper forms they now have, will be moved on to the Internet.

Electronic commerce notches up month-by-month too. It is difficult to measure, because a lot of electronic commerce involves existing buyers and sellers who are simply moving paperbased transactions to the Web. That is not new business. Microsoft, for example, purchases millions of dollars of PCs online instead of by paper. However, that is not a fundamental change; it has just improved the efficiency of an existing process. The biggest impact has occurred where electronic commerce matches buyers and sellers who would not previously have found each other. When you go to a book site and find an obscure book that you never would have found in a physical bookstore, that is a new type of commerce.

Today, about half of all PCs are still not connected to the Web. Getting communications costs down and making all the software simpler will bring in those people. And that, in turn, will move us closer to the critical mass that will make the Web lifestyle everyone’s lifestyle. One element that people underestimate is the degree to which the hardware and software will improve. Just take one aspect: screen technology. I do my e-mail on a 20-inch liquid crystal display (LCD) monitor. It is not available at a reasonable price yet, but in two years it will be. In ten years, a 20-inch LCD with much higher resolution will be commonplace. The boundary between a television set and a PC will be blurred because even the set-top box that you connect up to your cable or satellite will have a processor more powerful than what we have today in the most expensive PC. This will, in effect, make your television a computer.

Interaction with the Web also will improve, making it much easier for people to be involved. Today the keywords we use to search the Web often return to too many articles to sort through, many of them out of context. If you want to learn about the fastest computer chip available, you might end up getting responses instead about potato chips being delivered in fast trucks. In the future, we shall be either speaking or typing sentences into the computer. If you ask about the speed of chips, the result will be about computers, not potatoes. Speech recognition also means that you will be able to call in on a phone and ask if you have any new messages, or check on a flight, or check on the weather.

To predict that it will take over ten years for these changes to happen is probably pessimistic. We usually overestimate what we can do in two years and underestimate what we can do in ten. It will not be too long before the Web becomes as much a way of life as the car.[558 words]

16. Electronic commerce becomes a new type of commerce when______.

[A] paperbased transactions are moved on to the Web

[B] the efficiency of the existing process is improved by Internet

[C] new buyers and sellers find each other on the Internet

[D] a book site offers the books several bookstores have altogether

17. The use of computer will be as common as the use of cars when_______.

[A] governments begin to move administration on-line

[B] electronic commerce causes a fundamental change

[C] computer and communication become simpler and cheaper

[D] the boundary between the computer and the TV disappears

18. What is the current problem with the Web according to the passage?

[A] Too much information. [B] Lack of response.

[C] Ineffective interaction. [D] Slowness of speed.

19. The example of potato chips is used to illustrate_____.

[A] the defect of computers at the present stage of development

[B] the similarity between a computer chip and a potato chip

[C] the richness of information available on the web

[D] the irrelevant responses the web sometimes offers

20. The passage is mainly trying to show that______.

[A] the web is becoming a way of conveying information

[B] the web will bring about a new way of life

[C] electronic commerce develops with the internet

[D] interaction with the Web will become easier


bring in *① to allow or invite someone to become involved in a discussion, investigation, etc 让……参与 例:They brought the police in when it all became serious. 当事态变得很严重时,他们叫来了警察。 ② to introduce(legislation, a custom, fashion, topic etc)提出(新法案);引入(时尚、习俗、话题等) ③ to earn or produce a particular amount of profit赢利,赚钱 例:The sale of the house only brought in about $45,000. 卖房子只赚了约4.5万美元。

measure vt. ① to find the size, length or amount of sth. using standard units测量,度量 *② to judge the importance, value, or true nature of sth.估量,判定(重要性、价值或影响等) 例:Education should not be measured purely by examination results. 教育不应该只用考试成绩来衡量。

n. ① 尺寸,大小 ② [常用复数] 措施,办法 例:take measures to do sth. 采取措施应对(某种情况)

obscure a. *① not well known and usually not very important 默默无闻的,没有名气的 例: an obscure poet 名不见经传的诗人 ② difficult to understand 难理解的,晦涩的 例:The environment is obviously important, but its role has remained obscure. 环境显然很重要,但它的作用却仍不为人所知。(2002考研翻译 )

vt. to make sth. difficult to know or understand 搞混,使难理解 例:Recent successes obscure the fact that the company is still in trouble. 近来的一些成功使人看不清公司依然处于困境。

resolution n. ① [C] 正式决定, 决议 ② [U] (问题、纷争的)解决 例:The lawyers advice led to the resolution of the problem. 律师的忠告使这个问题得以解决。 *③ [C, U] (电视、显微镜等的)清晰度;分辨率


notch n. ①(表面或边缘的)V形刻痕、槽口;圆形切口 ②(记数等用的)刻痕 ③ 等级,档次 例:a notch above others比其他的高一等 vt. ① 开槽口;(用凹口)嵌入 ② 刻痕迹 *③ notch up赢得,获得(胜利等) 例:With this performance, she has notched up her third championship title.她因这一成绩而获得第三个冠军称号。


The boundary between a television set and a PC will be blurred because even the settop box that you connect up to your cable or satellite will have a processor more powerful than what we have today in the most expensive PC.

该句主干是The boundary … will be blurred。介词短语between... and... 充当后置定语,修饰主语boundary。because引导的原因状语从句修饰主句;在because从句中,主干是the settop box... will have a processor,定语从句that... 修饰the settop box;形容词短语more powerful than... 修饰 a processor,都是后置定语;其中,连词than连接了一个what引导的名词性从句,与前面的名词a processor构成比较。



第一段:论证分论点一,即,网络将纸张保存的信息转移到网上(move information online that now resides in paper form)。首句提出观点,接着以美国几个州的做法为例具体说明,人们可以在网上很方便地获得表格和求职信息。末句重申观点,预测未来的所有信息都可以在网上获得。

第二段:论证分论点二,即,新形式的电子商务将带来更大便利。该段对新旧电子商务进行了比较。传统电子商务是买卖双方把以纸张为基础的交易转移到网上进行(moving paper based transactions to the web),其好处仅限于提高交易效率(improve the efficiency)。该部分以微软为例予以说明。新型电子商务则是把以前不可能找到对方的买方和卖方匹配起来(matches buyers and sellers who would not previously have found each other),该部分以买书为例予以说明。

第三段:论证分论点三,即,随着通讯费用的降低以及软件和硬件(communications costs down, the hardware and software will improve)的发展,网络将很快得到普及。该段以屏幕技术(screen technology)的发展为例说明电脑技术的迅速发展,从而支持了网络将很快普及的论点。

第四段:论证分论点四,即,人们与网络进行的互动交流(Interaction with the web also will improve)将得到改善。首先指出现在网络搜索的低效性,然后比较指出未来状况会得到改善,并以网上搜索关键词和打电话询问信息为例。

第五段:总结结论。指出以上这些变化将很快能够实现,网络将成为一种普遍的生活方式(will be as much a way of life as the car)。



1. 事实细节题

(1) 根据第二段考查什么是新型的电子商务,参见试题16。

(2) 根据第三段考查网络普及的关键条件,参见考题17。

(3) 根据第四段,考查目前与网络交流存在的问题,参见考题18。

(4) 纵观全文,可以综合考查网络的优点,命制正误判断题,如:以下哪项不是网络的优点?[A] 提高人们交流的质量;[B] 有效地保存信息;[C] 提高市场交易的效率;[D] 改变人们的生活方式。(答案:[A])

2. 文章主旨题


3. 作者观点题

(1) 考查考生从第一段one great benefit和I believe, over time, that all the information will be moved on to the internet推出,作者认为信息应该被转移到网上。

(2) 分别考查文中作者对网上办公、电子商务、网络关键词搜索的观点。如:作者如何看待传统类型的电子商务?[A] 没有效率;[B] 取代了纸张为基础的交易;[C] 开拓了新业务;[D] 本质上与一般交易没有区别。(答案:[D])

4. 写作目的题

(1) 本文最突出的论证手段是举例论证,文中每一个分论点都有举例说明,因此可以考查作者举例的目的是为了说明什么,参见试题19。又如:作者举出电脑显示器的例子是为了说明什么?[A] 人们低估了硬件更新的速度;[B] 电脑技术日新月异;[C] 网络给人们生活方式带来了很大变化;[D] 通信成本将很快下降。(答案:[B])


5. 词义句意题




[A] 以纸张为基础的交易被移到网上进行 [B] 现有交易过程的效率通过网络得到提高

[C] 新的买者和卖者可以通过网络找到对方[D] 一个购书网站提供数家书店共同拥有的书

[精解] 答案C本题考查事实细节。整个第二段围绕电子商务展开论述。该段第二句谈到:许多电子商务仅仅是现有的买家和卖家把以纸张为基础的交易移到网上进行。紧接着一句说:“这不是一种新的贸易”。所以[A]项可排除。该段第四句举例指出,微软每年在线购买数百万美元的电脑,而不是通过纸张进行。文章接着提到,“这不是个根本的变化,只是提高了现有交易过程的效率”。所以也可排除[B]项。第二段第五句提到,“当电子商务把以前不可能找到对方的买方和卖方匹配起来时,网上交易的最大影响力才出现。”因此[C]项是新的商务方式的表现。紧接着该段末句举例提到,当你去购书网站找到一本在有形的书店不能找到的毫无名气的书,那就是新形式的商务。[D]项强调书的数量,与原文不符。

17. 当_____的时候,计算机的使用会和汽车的使用一样普及。

[A] 政府部门开始把行政事务移到网上进行[B] 电子交易引起了一个根本的变化

[C] 计算机和通讯变得更加简单和便宜 [D] 计算机和电视之间的界限消失

[精解] 答案C本题考查事实细节。[A]项是第一段举出的例子,只是说明了网络带来的益处。[B]项是第二段论述中关于网上商务的内容,但它和计算机普及之间也没有根本的联系,所以也可排除。第三段前两句提到:“通讯费用的降低以及所有软件的简易化会使没有和网络连接的个人电脑实现连接,从而更接近让网络方式成为所有人的生活方式的临界点。”所以应选[C]项。[D]项在第三段最后提到,是举例说明软件(如处理器)发展的前景。

18. 根据文章内容,目前网络的问题是什么?

[A] 太多的信息。[B] 缺少回应。 [C] 低效的交流。 [D] 缓慢的速度。

[精解] 答案C本题考查推理引申。第四段前两句提到,与网络的交流将得到改善,使人们更容易参与其中。如今用关键词搜索网络会搜出太多无关内容。接着该段举了“计算机芯片”与“薯片”的例子加以说明。[A]项具有迷惑性,可本质问题在于信息的“质”而非“量”。因此[C]项正确。[B]项与文意相反,不是“缺少”,而是“太多”。[D]项文中没有提及。

19. 举薯片的例子是用来说明_____。

[A] 计算机目前发展中的缺陷[B] 计算机芯片和薯片之间相似之处

[C] 网络上可获得丰富的信息[D] 计算机有时提供的是不相关的信息

[精解] 答案D本题考查写作目的。第四段中的相关内容指出,当我们在网上查询最快的计算机芯片时,计算机给我们的却是薯片的信息,可见计算机提供了不相关的信息,应选[D]项。 [A]项错在computer,应换成web。[B]项是举例中的细节,注意,计算机芯片和薯片在英语中是同一个单词chip。[C]项与作者意图相反,不是“丰富”,而是“泛滥”。

20. 这篇文章主要要表达的是_____。

[A] 网络正在成为一种新的信息传输方式[B] 网络将带来一种新的生活方式

[C] 电子商务随着网络的发展而发展 [D] 与网络的交流将变得更容易

[精解] 答案B本题考查文章主旨。[A]、 [C]和[D]项分别是第一段、第二段和第四段的主旨内容。但从全文来看,第一、二段主要介绍了网络给信息传输和商务带来的变化,第三段前半部分提到,通讯费用的降低及软件的改善可以使网络成为更多人的生活方式。该段后半部分则介绍了软件和硬件确实都在改善。因此,该段主要论述了网络成为生活方式的可能性。第四段论述了未来人与网络的交互也将得到改善,信息更准确,可以通过言语交流。第五段则总结到网络成为生活方式的的日子不会太遥远。因此[B]项是全文主旨。







