


模拟试题  时间: 2019-03-09 10:13:39  作者: 匿名 

I love e-mail.Evidently,so do most other journalists.E-mail use has tripled during the past five years among some journalists.I know because I am part of a research team that surveyed 360 journalists last year to determine how they use e-mail.Our survey results show that e-mail use among respondents expanded dramatically from only 18%in 1994 to 80%in 1999.Instead of sending about eight messages a day,each of those journalists was sending 30.

And these same journalists said they are using e-mail for everything from locating sources to conducting online interviews.Such evidence indicates that for many journalists e-mail has created a virtual world in which they can transcend time and space.A journalist in California,for example,taps out her questions at l:30 p.m.,and sends them to London,where it‘s 9:30 p.m……It is better than getting up at 3 a.m.to do a telephone interview with a scientist in Switzerland.

In today‘s wired world,reporters are discovering that people who won’t respond to phone calls,often will respond quickly to e-mails.A colleague and I are now in the process of conducting follow-up interviews with a selected group of journalists who participated in our 1999 survey.Those interviewed so far all agreed that e-mail is changing the way journalists work.As one reporter for a major Southwestern daily said,“Now you can send out half a dozen e-mails and usually most of them will be returned within the next day.It has opened up a better,faster way to communicate that didn’t exist before.It used to be that you could only communicate with people basically during working hours.But now you can send an e-mail in the middle of the night and get your answer in the morning.”

Other advantages of e-interviews:You don‘t have to transcribe a tape or decipher your notes.And when a source complains about a quote,all you have to do is send over a transcript of your e-mail message to verify its accuracy.

Although these journalists are crazy about the e-interview,they also admit it has its limitations.“You have to use judgment to decide when an e-mail interview is as good as a voice interview,”one said .And I agree,as long as we treat e-mail as one of many journalistic tools,we‘ll be fine.But,for most stories,you simply must drag yourself away from your keyboard.E-interviews are also good for closed-ended questions,such as:How many employees did your company lay off last year? But during an e-interview,you can’t see the pain on the face of the CEO who just fired 2,000 people.

1. E-mail use among some journalists has tripled during the past five years because____.

[A]it is more convenient and quicker

[B]it is particularly useful for Journalists

[C]it saves money for journalists in conducting international interviews

[D]journalists send out more messages than before

2. A“wired world”(the first sentence in the third paragraph)is one____.

[A]in which the dominant means of communication is the e-mail

[B]which is connected by various communication media

[C]in which telephone interview has replaced face-to-face interview

[D]in which the telephone is a dominant means of communication

3. Another advantage of e-mail over other kinds of communication is that____.

[A]it is more reliable and trustworthy

[B]it is more likely to be responded to

[C]it is more direct than face-to-face communication

[D]it irons out the embarrassment which may be provoked otherwise

4. One of the limitations of e-interview is that____.

[A]it is limited in time and space

[B]the interviewers send much useless information

[C]the interviewers have to dispense with body language

[D]the interviewers have to compare the e-mail message with their notes later

5. The passage is mainly concerned with____.

[A]the advantages of e-interviews over traditional interviews

[B]the limitations with the e-interview

[C]the changes brought to journalists by e-mail

[D]the importance of e-mail communication to journalists

1. [A] 第二段第二句指出,对许多记者来说,电子邮件开创了一个能使得他们超越时空的虚拟世界。

2. [B] wire此处作动词,意思是“用电线连接”,因此,这里应该不限于电话或电子邮件,而是指包括电话和电子邮件等在内的通讯手段。

3. [B] 参阅第三段第一句,该句是该段的主题句。 [D]的意思是:它可以消除(不使用它时)可能引起的尴尬局面。

4. [C] 意为:采访者看不到(被采访者的)身体语言。 参阅最后一段最后一句。

5. [C] 本文第二段第二句实际上表达了本文的主旨。本文第二、三、四段提到了电子邮件的诸多优点,最后一段提到了其局限性。就本文而言,所谓优点实际上谈的是电子邮件在哪些方面改变了记者的工作方式。

