


模拟试题  时间: 2019-03-09 10:14:17  作者: 匿名 

An estimated 11,300 laptop computers, 31,400 handheld computers and 200,000 mobile telephones have been left in taxis around the world during the last six months, according to a survey. Taxi drivers in nine cities also said they had found a 1 of other items 2 by passengers, including a harp, 37 milk bottles, dentures and 3 limbs. One driver said he 4 found a baby in his taxi.

The survey of some 1,000 taxi drivers said that passengers had lost three times more 5 computers in the second  6 of 2004 than in 2001, 7 the research by security software company Pointsec was first 8 . Most of the items were 9 to their owners, cab drivers said. Four out of five mobile phones and 19 out of every 20 computers found their 10 back, they said. Londoners appear more 11 than others with their laptops, 12 Danes are most likely to forget their mobile phones, the survey found. In Chicago in the United States, passengers often 13 handheld computers on the back 14 . The survey’s 15 were extrapolated to reflect the 16 number of taxis in each city. One customer, who later. 17 to be the girlfriend of actor Hugh Grant, left her iPod music player, mobile phone and 18 When the lady taxi driver was asked to 19 the items to Grant, she received an 20 as a thank-you.

1. [A] range[B] rank[C] region[D] return

2. [A] claimed[B] found[C] left[D] declared

3. [A] arbitrary[B] apparent[C] artificial[D] assistant

4. [A] even[B] still[C] however[D] somehow

5. [A] handmade[B] handheld[C] handcrafted[D] handbound

6. [A] part[B] year[C] time[D] half

7. [A] which[B] where[C] when[D] what

8. [A] carried out[B] worked out[C] found out[D] figured out

9. [A] replaced[B] returned[C] recommended[D] recreated

10. [A] road[B] path[C] journey[D] way

11. [A] careful[B] caretaking[C] careless[D] care laden

12. [A] when[B] while[C] wherever[D] whenever

13. [A] fell behind[B] stayed behind[C] left behind[D] dropped behind

14. [A] seat[B] bench[C] car[D] taxi

15.[A]consequences[B] fruits[C] findings[D] conclusions

16. [A] total[B] all[C] whole[D] complete

17. [A] turned in[B] turned on[C] turned out[D] turned off

18. [A] profile[B] pulse[C] preface[D] purse

19. [A] deliver[B] designate[C] dedicate[D] direct

20. [A] automobile[B] authority[C] autograph[D] autobiography


1. 【答案】A

【解析】range是“一系列”,rank是“排,行,列”,region是“地区,地带”,return是“返回,送回”。原文的意思是九个城市的出租车司机说他们发现了顾客的其他东西,region和return可以排除,rank是指排成一行或一列的东西,比如说a rank of great pines(一排挺拔的松树),用在这里也不合适,所以答案是A。

2. 【答案】C


3. 【答案】C

【解析】空格后的limb是指“肢,臂,腿”,四个选项中能和它搭配的只有artificial,artificial limb的意思是“假肢”,所以答案是C。

4. 【答案】A


5. 【答案】B


6. 【答案】D

【解析】把四个选项分别填入空格,就会发现year和time明显不正确,因为空格后是of 2004,应该是2004年的某段时间,如果填part,表示的时间段又不明确,所以只能选D,the second half of 2004意思是2004年下半年。

7. 【答案】C


8. 【答案】A

【解析】carryout是“实行,执行,进行”,workout是“想出,解决,理解”,find out是“找出,发现,查明(真相)”,figure out是“计算出,想出,理解”。四个选项中只有carry out能和从句里的主语research搭配,所以选A。

9. 【答案】B


10. 【答案】D

【解析】find one way是一个固定短语,意思是“设法到达,努力达到”,所以答案是D。 这句话的意思是:“他们说,每五部手机中有四部,每20台电脑中有19台物归原主。”

11. 【答案】C


12. 【答案】B


13. 【答案】C

【解析】fall behind是“落在后面”,stay behind是“依旧落在后面”,leave behind是“不带,忘了带,遗留”,drop behind是“落在…的后面”。根据上下文,应该选left behind,所以选C。

14. 【答案】A


15. 【答案】C


16. 【答案】A


17. 【答案】C

【解析】turn in是“交还,上交”,turn on是“开,开始”,turnout是“原来是,(最后)证明是”,turnoff是“关,解雇”。turn on和turnoff明显可以排除,turn in后面要直接加宾语,而这个空格后没有,答案是C,这句话的意思是:“一位顾客结果是演员休?格兰特的女朋友。”

18. 【答案】D

【解析】profile是“传略,人物简介,轮廓,外形”,pulse是“脉搏,意向,心态”,preface是“序言,前言”,purse是“钱包,女用小包”。待选项应该和iPod music player,mobile phone构成并列,显然答案是purse,因此选D。

19. 【答案】A

【解析】deliver是“投递,送交”,designate是“指明,指定,称呼”,dedicate是“以…奉献,把(自己、一生等)献给”,direct是“给…指路,使向某一方向转动”。空格后的动词的宾语是items,即Hugh Grant的女友落在出租车上的东西,根据词义判断应该选A。

20. 【答案】C

【解析】automobile是“汽车”,authority是“权威,威信”,autograph是“亲笔签名”,autobiography是“自传”。authority可以立即排除;根据常识排除automobile,剩下的两个选项中,autograph更加合适,因为我们并不知道Hugh Grant是否写了自传,而名人送亲笔签名是很正常的,因此C是正确答案。

