


模拟试题  时间: 2019-03-09 10:08:49  作者: 匿名 

The animal dissection requirement of biology classes has been getting under the skin of students for generations, and there have always been some who asked to be excused from the requirement. Now, a growing number of technological alternatives are making it possible for students to swap that scalpel for a computer mouse. There are laws in nearly a dozen states-including California, Florida, New Jersey, and New York-protecting a student’s choice to learn about animal anatomy sans scalpel. Some students choosing to opt out feel we should be kinder to our web-footed friends. Others are just queasy at the thought of rubbery frog bodies and the smell of formaldehyde.

"Dissection is icky. There’s a yuck factor," admits Brian Shmaefsky, a board member with the National Association of Biology Teachers. "And a teacher has to weigh the benefits with the cost of students being offended to the point that it interferes with learning."

Virtual blades. So for cases in which a real dissection would be too slimy, it’s time to try some toad tech. While the first computer-based alternatives to dissection emerged in the 1980s, modern frog dissection software can be found at different websites. These software programs use creative clicking, high-powered zoom functions, and video clips to teach anatomy. Froguts software, for example, lets students trace incision lines with a computer mouse and snip through skin with a virtual blade. There are even sound effects like a "slish" for slicing frog flesh, or a "shwoosh" for pinning down skin flaps. (Schools currently pay about $300 for a one-year software license, though some organizations will lend programs out free of charge.)

Earlier this year, a graduate student from Simon Fraser University in Vancouver designed the first-ever haptic (the Greek word for "touch") frog dissection program, which uses a penlike tool to create a sensation similar to cutting into real flesh. The hand-held device connects to a computer, and students move the device through the air while watching the results of their actions on a computer screen.

With Digital Frog-a popular program that’s had approximately 1,500 frog demo downloads since January and is currently in use in 2,000 schools-students can add or subtract those amphibious organs with a mere mouse click. They can then assess their learning with sporadic frog anatomy quizzes.

"Repetition is helpful. The fact that a student can review sections of a program over and over again is important," says Martin Stephens, vice president for animal research issues at the Humane Society of the United States. "In dissections, the animal’s organs are all shriveled and discolored. You look for things and can’t find them because body parts have changed drastically since the animal was killed. But on a computer screen, layers can be digitally peeled away." Other experts think the dissection technology has its limits. Gerry Wheeler, executive director of the National Science Teachers Association, says that artificial simulations don’t give as enriching an experience as the real thing. Still others worry the programs are depriving kids of experiential learning.

1.  The word "swap" (Line 3, Paragraph ) most probably means_____.

[A] exchange

[B] throw away

[C] reject

[D] refuse

2. Some students ask to be excused from the requirement of biology classes because of the following reason except that_____.

[A] dissection consists of disgusting procedures and unpleasant smells.

[B] they are entitled to reject dissection requirement given the legal regulation

[C] they are offended when fulfilling the requirements of animal dissection

[D] they insist that people should treat animals more as friends instead of simply objects

3.Brian Shmaefsky’s statement implies that_____.

[A] he indeed supports the students’ animal protection movement

[B] he thinks the animal dissection should be banned

[C] he thinks the animal dissection may not be good for students to learn biology effectively

[D] he always evaluate the teaching effect by weighing reluctant factors of cost and effect

4.Compared with the real dissection, the dissection on computer has the following advantages except_____.

[A] It has authentic sound effect like a "slish" or "shwoosh" .

[B] there is a sensation of always dealing with fresh and recognizable organs.

[C] The process can be repeated so that students can gather better insight of the animal structure.

[D] Students can take quizzes with the software to evaluate the learning effect

5.The author’s attitude towards the toad tech can be said to be_____.

[A] supportive

[B] doubtful

[C] objective

[D] biased

1. The word "swap" (Line 3, Paragraph 1 ) most probably means_____.1. "swap" (第一段第三行)最有可能的意思是_____。
[A] exchange[A] 交换[B] throw away[B] 抛弃[C] reject[C] 丢弃[D] refuse[D] 拒绝
[难度系数] ☆☆
[分析] 猜词题。上文提到,有一些学生要求不做这种解剖,那么现在有许多科技替代物使得这个成为现实,就是用计算机鼠标来替代解剖刀,下文也提到了用电脑程序来代替真正的用解剖刀进行的实验。因此,正确答案为A。

2. Some students ask to be excused from the requirement of biology classes because of the following reason except that_____.2. 一些学生要求免于生物课的要求是因为除了选项_____外以下的原因。
[A] dissection consists of disgusting procedures and unpleasant smells.[A]解剖的过程很恶心且气味难闻。
[B] they are entitled to reject dissection requirement given the legal regulation[B] 有相应法律允许他们拒绝修解剖课程。
[C] they are offended when fulfilling the requirement of animal dissection[C] 他们在上动物解剖课时感觉受到自己受到了冒犯。
[D] they insist people should treat animals more as friends instead of simply objects[D] 他们坚持认为人们对待动物应该更像朋友而不是客观物体。
[难度系数] ☆☆☆☆
[分析] 推理题。文章第一段提到,一些学生选择不做是因为他们感到应到对这种动物友好些,另外是因为想到青蛙的身体、闻到甲醛的味道就感到恶心。因此,答案A、D 是原因,答案B并不是他们不愿意做解剖的原因,而是因为他们不愿意做才有了相关法律保护他们的这种权利。答案C包含了A和D两个选项。因此,答案为B。

3.Brian Shmaefsky’s statement implies that_____.3. Brian Shmaefsky的话意味着_____。
[A] he indeed support the students’ animal protection movement.[A] 他实际上支持学生们的保护动物运动
[B] he thinks the animal dissection should be banned[B] 他认为应当禁止动物解剖考试大收集整理
[C] he thinks the animal dissection may not be good for students to learn biology effectively[C] 他认为动物解剖不一定有利于学生有效地学习生物
[D] he always evaluate the teaching effect by weighing relevant factors of cost and effect[D] 他总是通过衡量相关的成本及产出等因素来衡量教学效果
[难度系数] ☆☆☆
[分析] 推理题。Brian Shmaefsky的话分为两部分:解剖粘糊糊的,比较讨厌;老师应该衡量一下学生如果感觉到受到冒犯,甚至影响到了学习那就得不偿失了。前半句也是为后面的服务,又根据他是国家生物教师协会成员,那么应该是针对对学生学习,他觉得这种解剖有时会阻碍学生学习。答案C符合题意。答案D并不是他想要表达的意思;B他并没有表示出这一点来;而A选项在文章中则没有得到明确的体现。

4.Compared with the real dissection, the dissection on computer has the following advantages except_____.4. 相对于真正的解剖,电脑解剖有以下的优点,但_____除外。
[A] It has authentic sound effect like a "slish" or "shwoosh" .[A] 它可以有真实的声音效果,如发出"嘶""嗤"的声音。
[B] there is a sensation of always dealing with fresh and recognizable organs.[B] 软件给人的感觉是这些动物器官都是新鲜的,且易于辨认。
[C] The process can be repeated so that students can gather better insight of the animal structure.[C] 解剖过程可以重复,以便于学生们能够更加深入地了解动物的结构。
[D] Students can take quizzes with the software to evaluate the learning effect[D] 学生可以用软件中的一些测验来评估他们的学习效果。
[难度系数] ☆☆☆
[分析] 细节题。题目要求找出电脑解剖相对于传统解剖的优点所在,选项A是电脑模仿实际解剖的声音效果,而这种声音本身在实际解剖中也有存在,因此只是一种摹仿,并不是电脑的高超之处。B在文章第六段提到,说动物的器官都是枯萎的、没有颜色的。你想要找到什么,可是最终没能找到,因为动物被杀死后身体部分改变很大。但是在电脑屏幕上,身体每一层都可以电子式地剥下来。C在第六段也提到了,说可以重复,这样学生就可以复习。D在第五段中提到。因此,答案为A。

5.The author’s attitude towards the toad tech can be said to be_____.5. 作者对于这种解剖科技的态度可以说是_____。
[A] supportive[A] 支持的[B] doubtful[B] 怀疑的[C] objective[C] 客观的[D] biased[D] 有偏见的
[答案] A
[难度系数] ☆
[分析] 态度题。在这篇文章中,作者介绍了生物课上解剖的替代物--电脑解剖程序,虽然在文章最后一段作者也提到了这种替代物的局限,但是整篇文章来看作者都是一种赞赏的态度,列举了这种方法的优点。因此,其态度是支持的,选A。

