


模拟试题  时间: 2019-03-09 10:11:08  作者: 匿名 

Why, you may wonder, should spiders be our friends? Because they destroy so many insects, and insects 1 some of the greatest enemies of the human race. Insects would make 2 impossible for us to live in the world. They would devour (eat up quickly) all our crops and kill our flocks and herds, were it not 3 the protection we get from insect-eating animals. We 4 a lot to the birds and beasts who eat insects but all of them 5 together kill only a fraction of the 6 destroyed by spiders. 7 , unlike some of the insect eaters, spiders never do the least 8 to us or our belongings.

Spiders are not insects, 9 many people think, 10 even nearly related to them. One can tell the 11 almost at a glance, 12 a spider always has eight legs but an insect never more than six.

How many spiders are 13 in this work on our 14 ? One authority 15 spiders made a 16 of the spiders in a grass field in the south of England, and he estimated that there were more than 2 250 000 in one acre; that is 17 like 6000 000 spiders of different kinds on a football field. Spiders are busy for at least half the year in killing insects. It is 18 to make more than the 19 guess at how many they kill, but they are hungry creature, not 20 with only three meals a day.

1. A. includeB. involveC. consistD. cover

2. A. thisB. that C. itD. them

3. A. withB. forC. ofD. on

4. A. devoteB. dedicateC. oweD. contribute

5. A. gottenB. putC. linkedD. associated

6. A. numberB. amountC. plentyD. proportion

7. A. ConsequentlyB. MoreoverC. ConverselyD. However

8. A. damageB. ruinC. goodD. harm

9. A. asB. whichC. becauseD. though

10. A. soB. eitherC. norD. none

11. A. likenessB. differenceC. similarityD. appearance

12. A. ifB. althoughC. forD. when

13. A. participatedB. joinedC. enclosedD. involved

14. A. honorB. sakeC. sideD. behalf

15. A. onB. inC. aboutD. with

16. A. censusB. consensusC. conscienceD. consciousness

17. A. nothingB. somethingC. anythingD. everything

18. A. likelyB. uselessC. impossibleD. probable

19. A. broadestB. widestC. bravestD. wildest

20. A. concernedB. identifiedC. patientD. content


1. 【答案】A. include

【解析】本题测试词义搭配.include(= bring in as a part of the whole) 包括,包含:1) The book includes two chapters on grammar. 2) The plan includes most of your suggestions. 3) Our delegation included two interpreters(我们的代表团里包括2位翻译)involve 虽然也有“包含”的意思,但其后所接的名词大多数是非实体性名词,所以involve 的确切含义是“(=have s a necessary consequence)必然包括某种结果,牵涉到”,例如:The war involved a great increase in the national debt.(战争必然使国家负债骤增。)根据上下文的意思来看,此处指“昆虫中有某些人类最大的天敌”,句中enemies是实体名词,故此体应选include. cover 也有“包括”之意,但主要是指“谈到,涉及到”,例如:1) The discussion covered a wide range of subjects. (这次讨论涉及到范围广阔的议题。) 2)His studies covered a wide field.(他的研究涉及到很大的领域) cover 作“包括,包含”解时一般不结具体的事物或动物名词。consist 后接of,意为“由…..组成”。可见,本题答案非A 莫属。

2. 【答案】C. it

【解析】本题测试结构搭配.it 是形式宾语,其实际宾语是for us to live in the world.

3. 【答案】B. for

【解析】本题测试结构搭配. were it not for sth. 是虚拟条件句,意为“要不是….,要是没有….的话”。

4. 【答案】C. owe

【解析】本题测结构型词义搭配. owe…..to…把…..归功于….: He owed his success o luck more than to capacity. contribute to 有助于,促进,加剧:Cars contribute to air pollution. (汽车加剧了空气污染);devote sth. to 奉献,致力于;dedicate … to 奉献;均不符合题意。

5. 【答案】B. put

【解析】本题测试词义搭配.put together 加在一起。put together 在句中是过去分词短语作定语,修饰前面的all of them.

6. 【答案】A. number

【解析】本题测试词义搭配. insect 是可数名词。此处是指昆虫的“数目”,故应选number. An (或 the) amount of +不可数名词(单数),故不能入选。plenty of +可数名词(复数)或不可数名词(单数),意为“很多,大量的”,用于肯定句中,例如:1) There was plenty of work for girls of her age. 2) There are plenty of men out of work. (许多失业男子)proportion 比例。

7. 【答案】B. Moreover

【解析】本题测试逻辑搭配.moreover 意为“此外,而且”,正合题意。

8. 【答案】D. harm

【解析】本题测试词义搭配. do harm to …对某人有害,正合题意。do damage to sth. 对….造成损害,与题意不符。do good to sb./sth. 对…有好处,与题意相悖。do与ruin不搭配,通常说cause ruin, bring about ruin, lead to ruin等

9. 【答案】A. as

【解析】本题测试结构搭配.as 引导非限定性定语从句,例如:As you know, China is a country with a large population. (正如你所知道的,中国是一个人口众多的国家)

10. 【答案】C. nor

【解析】本题测试逻辑搭配. not … as 翻译时否定要转移到as 上。

本句译文:蜘蛛不像许多人想的那样是昆虫,它们甚至与昆虫几乎无关。nor引导的是延续否定句,其中省略了主语与系动词。如果把主语与系动词补上,则应为:…nor are spiders even nearly related to them. not nearly 意为“全然不”,此句中的not的否定意义由nor来体现。此外,有些语法学家认为,此类句子中nor连接的是两个并列成分,例如:For ten days I did not see him nor telephone him.

so引导延续肯定句,例如:She was right, and so were you , at least to an extent. (她是对的,你至少在某种程度上也是对的。) 根据上下文意思,此句时表示延续否定,因此不能用,so。至于either,虽然也可以用在延续否定句中,但词序不对,例如:1) I can’t dance, either. 2) China will not be a superpower, not either or even in the future. (中国不做超级大国,现在不做,以后也不做。)

none pron.作代词:1) None of them spoke English except Tallit. 2)”How many fish did you catch?” ”None. ” 3) We none of us said anything. (作同位语) 4)She had none of her brother’s beauty.(她一点也不像他兄弟的美貌。)5) none but Johnson could have done such a thing.(只有约翰有可能作出这样的事来。) 6) The stranger was none other than my old friend. (这位陌生人不是别人,正是我的老朋友。)

none adv. 作副词:1) She spent two weeks in hospital but she is none the better for it. (她住院两个星期,但他并不因此而好一些。) 2) None the less it is one of the most powerful weapons the workers possess. (尽管如此,这仍然是工人手中最有力的武器之一。)3) I am afraid he is none too clever .(恐怕他不太聪明。) 根据题意,本题不能选none.但上述有关none的用法,例句考生务必倍加注意,因为none是常用词,所以它是重要的测试内容。例如:1984年试题I. 26. The man over there is ____our principal. A. no other but B. no other than C. no one than D. none other than (应选D. none other than)

11. 【答案】B. difference

【解析】本题测试逻辑型词义搭配.根据上下文意思可以看出,此处是讲蜘蛛与昆虫的区别,故应选 B。difference.考生在做类似试题时,一定要注意上下文的连贯意思。

12. 【答案】C. for


13. 【答案】D. involved

【解析】本题测试结构型词义搭配.participate(in)参与;join(in)参加;但本句谓语是被动语态,故上述两词均不能入选。be involved in 参与,参加;如填入句中不但在此以上,而且在结构上均符合题意,故答案非D莫属。

14. 【答案】D. behalf

【解析】本题测试词惯用搭配.on one’s behalf or on behalf(=for; in the interest(s)of; on account of) 代表,为了….的缘故:1) I am writing on behalf of my mother to express her thanks for your gift. 2) I felt guilty on you behalf. (我为你感到内疚。) in honor of or in one’s honor 为了(纪念或表示敬意而举行某活动):We gave the dinner party in his honor (我们为他举办晚餐会。) for the sake of 为了…..起见。on one’s good/bad side(搞好/坏 关系):John thought that he would get a good grade if he got on the good side of the teacher.(约翰想,如他和老师搞好关系,他会得到高分。) 此外,on the side 额外的,作为兼职的:He makes a little money on the side by doing house-keeping work for Mrs. Johnson. (他替约翰太太做家务额外挣一点钱。)

15. 【答案】A. on

【解析】on 表示“关于(某一问题);对,就(某一点)”,例如:We had many quarrels on politics and religion. 2) You are an authority on clothes. 3) He is absorbed in his work on bacteria. in 表示“在…方面”,例如:a specialist in history 历史学方面的专家。

16. 【答案】A. census

【解析】本题测试词义搭配.本题测试考生辨析形似异意词的能力。census 调查;consensus 一致看法。(意见等)一致;conscience 良心;consciousness 意识,觉悟,自觉。

17. 【答案】B. something

【解析】本题测试惯用搭配.something like(=approximately)大约。

18. 【答案】C. impossible

【解析】本题测试逻辑搭配.按上下文逻辑意思来看,应选impossible,句中more than 修饰the widest,说明其程度,如:I’ m more than content with what you have just said (我对你刚才所说的极其满意。)

19. 【答案】D. wildest

【解析】本题测试词义搭配. wild 在此处的含义是“不精确的,大致的,(没有证据的)大胆的”。本句译文:不可能做出极其大胆的猜测:蜘蛛杀灭多少害虫,但是蜘蛛是胃口极大的动物。它们肯定不会满足一天只吃三顿。

20. 【答案】D. content

【解析】本题测试逻辑型词义搭配.从逻辑意思和语义上分析,content正合题意。上面谈到“蜘蛛是食量很大的动物”,可见“蜘蛛是不会满足于一天三顿的”。be content with 满足于:My father had to be content with this small success.

