


模拟试题  时间: 2019-03-09 10:12:07  作者: 匿名 
 You probably know that it’s better for both you and the environment if you buy an organic tomato instead of one that’s been doused in pesticides, but there are lots of other things to consider before venturing down the aisle of your local supermarket (or farmer’s market).

The explosion in 1 produce and other foods during the last few years has been an extremely 2 development in the food industry. However, 3 still exists about exactly what the organic 4 means. Do you know the difference between a cereal that’s “organic,” “100% organic,” and “made with organic 5 ?” The USDA has clearly defined standards that 6 which of those labels can legally go on your raisin bran. You can learn more about them at www.usda.gov.

Organic foods are great, but the jury is still very much out 7 another new development in the food world: genetically 8 organisms (GMOs). No one knows for certain the short and 9 effects of these products of gene engineering, l0 there’s a chance they could lead to the 11 creation of “superweeds” or 12 with natural plant stocks, for more information on GMOs, we recommend visiting www.saynotogmos.org.

13 you’re shopping, don’t forget to consider the companies behind the 14 names. One cereal company might be an environmental champion, 15 the other manufactures its corn flakes via l6 environmental practices. An easy way to compare two companies is to use 17 such as www. Responsible shopper.com. They present both the good and bad sides of every company they 18 , and they grade hundreds of companies on social, ethical and environmental issues.

Remember: 19 conscious shopping is a powerful tool for effecting change. You can make a difference every time you fill your  20 cart.

1. A. green B. organicC. healthy D. optional

2. A. positiveB. negativeC. active D. passive

3. A. controversyB. contributionC. conversion D. confusion

4. A. label B. markC. wordD. food

5. A. components B. genesC. ingredientsD. compositions

6. A. determine B. illustrateC. recommend D. demonstrate

7. A. inB. toC. forD. on

8. A. moved B. modifiedC. modeledD. motivated

9. A. long-runB. long-term C. long-day D. long-distance

10. A.while B. andC. butD. or

11.A. unconditional B. unexceptionalC. unintentionalD. uncontroversial

12. A. interfere B. interveneC. interactD. intrude

13. A. Any time B. Anytime C. Some time D. Sometime

14. A. brand B. codeC. product D. family

15. A. when B. while C. asD. because

16. A. constructive B. destructive C. instructive D. obstructive

17. A. sights B. addressesC. sitesD. webs

18. A. profit B. profile C. propose D. protect

19. A. socially B. conditionallyC. morally D. environmentally

20. A. nursery B. grocery C. bakery D. stationery

 1. 【答案】B

【解析】做完形填空时不能急于下手,一般要先通读全文,把握文章大意,上下文信息能帮助我们做出正确选择。通读全文后我们知道这篇文章讲的是农产品的新变化。第一段第二句话和第二段第一句话都提到了organic一词,由此可见本文开头部分讲的是organic produce,因此正确答案是B。

2. 【答案】A

【解析】本题的四个选项是两组反义词。Positive的意思是“正面的,积极的”,negative的意思是“负面的”,active是“活跃的,主动的”,而passive是“被动的,消极的”。根据语篇信息,文章开头提到有机农产品,后面还提到转基因产品,而这些都是农产品发展中的巨大突破,所以应当是positive development,答案为A。

3. 【答案】D

【解析】本题中容易排除的是B、C选项,contribution为“捐献,贡献”’conversion为“变化,转换”,它们都与上下文不协调。正确选项只能是controversy和confusion其中之一。这两个词意思相近,但controversy意思是“论争,辩论”,指的是对同一事物不同的看法或意见上的分歧,而confusion意思是“混乱,混淆”,指的是对事物正确理解方面的困惑。而原句中exactly(准确地,精确地)和means说明此处应当是准确理解意思方面的困惑。 正确答案为D。

4. 【答案】A


5. 【答案】C

【解析】gene是“基因”,composition是“合成物,作文”,都易排除。Component(成分)一个物体的各个组成部分,相当于part,例如:the components of a camera; ingredients(成分)指混合物的组成成分,例如:the ingredients of a medicine。根据上下文,这里意思是产品部分成分为有机物,所以应选C。

6. 【答案】A


7. 【答案】D


8. 【答案】B

【解析】modify意思是“转变,改良”,model意思是“模仿”,motivate意思是“激发”。转基因产品的正确说法是genetically modified organism,因此答案是B。

9. 【答案】B


10. 【答案】C


11. 【答案】C


12. 【答案】A


13. 【答案】B

【解析】从句子结构分析来看, you’re shopping是从句。据此只能选anytime,四个选项中只有anytime可引导从句,它的用法相当于“no matter when”或“whenever”。正确答案为B。

14. 【答案】A

【解析】brand name是“商标”,codename是“代号”,product name不是固定搭配,意思是产品的名字,family name是“姓”。显然brand更符合句子的意思,因此答案为A。

15. 【答案】B

【解析】据上下文的关键词“one…the other. . . ”和“An easy way to compare two companies”,可见这句话是对两类公司的对比。因此只能选while“而…”,正确答案为,B。

16. 【答案】B


17. 【答案】C

【解析】A、D易排除,分别为“视觉”和“网”的意思。Address和site都有“地址’之意,但address通常指住址和收信地址。WWW. responsibleshopper. com. 很明显是网址,只能用sites,因此选C。

18. 【答案】B

【解析】四个动词词头相同,profit意思是“赢利”,profile的词根为file,应与“记录”有关,意思是“描述,给…写传略(或概况)”,propose为“提议”之意,protect则为“保护”。本题的关键在于要首先明白“they”的指代,根据上下文,they指的是上一句中的“sites”,动词的宾语是every company,根据句子的意思,答案应该是B。这句话的意思是这些网址描述了它们所记录的各个公司好的和坏的方面。

19. 【答案】D


20. 【答案】B


