


考研英语  时间: 2019-03-08 17:01:08  作者: 匿名 


【难句】1. It’s not every day that you get to witness the birth of a new social system. But General Motors’June 1 bankruptcy, and the company’s likely reorganization under the ownership of the U.S. Treasury, does suggest the arrival of a novel relationship—at least for the United States—between the citizen and his government。(Weekly Standard Jun. 15, 2009 )

【结构分析】 本句使用了强调句型的否定式It is not…that…,在这个句型中,it没有词汇意义,只是引出被强调的成分。every day是所强调的内容,并使用了not直接否定。But后的句子又使用了借助助动词do强调句子谓语的强调词结构,句中表现为用does强调suggest即does suggest…整句话还包含一个较长的分隔结构and the company’s likely reorganization under the ownership of the U.S. Treasury,对主语General Motors’June 1 bankruptcy起补充说明的作用。

【参考译文】 不是每天人们都可以见证一个新社会体系的诞生。但是通用6月1日宣告破产,它将在美国财政部的掌控下进行可能的重组,这一事件正是暗示了一种新关系的到来——至少是在美国——公民与政府之间的新型关系。

【难句】2. Best known as a destination for honeymooners in search of perfect white beaches and swaying palms, the Seychelles islands rarely make any sort of headlines. Few tourists would even have noticed the presidential election on July 30th, in which James Michel, leader of the Seychelles People’s Progressive Front, was returned with 54% of the ballot. (The Economist Aug. 10, 2006)

【结构分析】 本段出现了两处否定。前一句中,使用了否定副词rarely体现否定,译为“几乎不”,Best known as…作该句状语。后一分句中,使用否定代词few体现否定,译为“很少”,其中包含了which引导的定语从句in which James Michel,leader of do the Seychelles People’s Progressive Front, was returned with 54% of the ballot, which指代先行词election, 并与in一起在从句中作状语,且该从句的谓语使用了被动语态;leader of the Seychelles People’s Progressive Front为分隔结构,补充说明James Michel此人的身份。

【参考译文】 说起塞舌尔群岛,许多人只知道它是度蜜月者找寻美丽的白色沙滩和摇曳的棕榈树的目的地之一。除此之外,几乎没有媒体对其进行报道,就连游客们也很少有人注意到7月30日该国举行的总统选举。在这次选举中,塞舌尔人民进步阵线领导人詹姆斯·米歇尔获得了54%的选票。

