高校名称:淮北师范大学调剂专业:计算机软件与理论是否有公费名额:有各位考生:2011年,我院拟接收一定数量的调剂硕士研究生,现将情况予以说明。一、调剂条件及政策1、 初试成绩达到国家B区复试分数线。外语学习网2、 原报考专业与调剂专业相同或相近。3、 符合国家调剂政策和我校具体调剂要求的考生。4、 凡调剂到我院的硕士研究生,经复试、体检合格后,一律为公费。三、调剂程序1、 符合调剂条件的考生,先与...
一、调剂原则 1、接收调剂考生的初试成绩(单科与总成绩)必须达到国家统一划定的B类地区复试分数线; 2、调剂专业必须与报考专业相同或相近专业; 3、调剂专业与报考专业统考科目须完全相同,专业课可相近; 二、学费 调剂考生中大部分考生享受公费(有补助)。少数考生为自费生。其中学费标准:理学、管理学、法学及工学电类学科学费15000元/2.5年,工学其他专业12000元/2.5年。全日制专业学位考生免...
各位考生: 大家好!目前,国家教育部关于《2011年全国硕士研究生统一入学考试考生进入复试的初试成绩基本要求》(简称国家线)尚未公布。现将考生关注的复试及调剂工作事宜通知如下: 1、今年的国家线大约在四月初公布。 大学士考试网2、待国家线公布后,我校将在研究生院网站及时公布考生复试方案及要求,复试时间大约在四月中旬。 3、我校有关调剂通知及要求,也将在国线公布后,及时发布在中国研究生招生信息网(h...
第十六套1.Which of the following statements is not the concern of sociolinguists?A. The language a person uses reveals his social background.B. There exist social norms that determine the type of language...
第十七套1. The study of language as a whole is often called ____________ linguistics.A. general B. applied B. generative D. particular2. The fact that different languages have different words for the sa...
第十二套1. F. de Saussure is a(n) _________ linguist.A. American B. SwissC. British D. Russian2. Which of the following sounds is a voiced bilabial stop?A. [p] B. [m] C. [b] D. [t]3. Of the “words” list...
第十三套1.The study of language development at some point in time is generally termed as ___________ linguistics.A. comparativeB. appliedC. synchronic D. diachronic2.N. Chomsky is a famous _____________ l...
第十四套1. The word “language” is sometimes used to refer to the whole of a person’s language called _________.A. colloquial language B. scientific languageC. standard language D. idiolect2.Which of the ...
第十五套1. Modern linguistics give priority to speech because _____________.A. speech sounds are derived from writing systemsB. The spoken form is more basic than the written formC. Writing precedes speec...
第八套1. Linguistics is the scientific study of __________.A. a particular languageB. the English languageC. human languages in generalD. the system of a particular language2. The consonant [f] in Englis...