

  • 2013年英语专业四级阅读基础练习题(附答案)33

    Open up most fashion magazines and you will see incredibly thin models with impossible hair and wearing unreasonably expensive, impracticably styled clothes. But shouldn't clothes be comfortably durab

  • 2013年英语专业四级阅读基础练习题(附答案)32

    On day one of my self-proclaimed Month of Gratitude, my five-year-old son woke up "bored" at 5:15 a.m., I spied a speeding ticket in my wife's purse, and our water heater spluttered to its d

  • 2013年英语专业四级阅读基础练习题(附答案)31

    The Internet, E-commerce and globalization are making a new economic era possible. In the future, capitalist markets will largely be replaced by a new kind of economic system based on networked relati

  • 2013年英语专业四级阅读基础练习题(附答案)30

    It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife.However little known the feelings or views of such a man may be on his first enterin

  • 2013年英语专业四级阅读基础练习题(附答案)29

    Within that exclusive group of literary characters who have survived through the centuries--from Hamlet to Huckleberry Finn--few can rival the cultural impact of Sherlock Holmes. Since his first publi

  • 2013年英语专业四级阅读基础练习题(附答案)28

    A simple piece of rope hangs between some environmentally friendly Americans and their neighbors. On one side stand those who have begun to see clothes dryers as wasteful consumers of energy (up to 6%

  • 2013年英语专业四级阅读基础练习题(附答案)27

    The simple act of surrendering a telephone number to a store clerk may not seem harmful--so much so that many consumers do it with no questions asked. Yet that one action can set in motion a cascade o

  • 2013年英语专业四级阅读基础练习题(附答案)26

    I have known very few writers, but those I have known, and whom I respected, confess at once that they have little idea where they are going when they first set pen to paper. They have a character, pe

  • 2013年英语专业四级阅读基础练习题(附答案)25

    I lost my sight when I was four years old by falling off a box car in a freight yard in Atlantic City and landing on my head. Now I am thirty two. I can vaguely remember the brightness of sunshine and

  • 2013年英语专业四级阅读基础练习题(附答案)24

    For a long time, researchers have tried to nail down just what shapes us--or what, at least, shapes us most. And over the years, they've had a lot of exclamation moments. First it was our parents, par

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