

  • 英语四级阅读基础练习题200篇(附答案)(190)

    One of the qualities that most people admire in others is the willingness to admit one's mistakes. It is extremely hard sometimes to say a simple thing like "I was wrong about that," and it

  • 英语四级阅读基础练习题200篇(附答案)(191)

    Flying over a desert area in an airplane, two scientists looked down with trained eyes at trees and bushes. After an hour's flight one of the scientists wrote in his book, 'Look here for probable meta

  • 英语四级阅读基础练习题200篇(附答案)(192)

    Trees should only be pruned when there is a good and clear reason for doing so and , fortunately,the number of such reasons is small. Pruning involves the cutting away of obergrown and unwanted branch

  • 英语四级阅读基础练习题200篇(附答案)(193)

    In the United States, it is not customary to telephone somenone very early in the morning. If you telephone him early in the day, while he is shaving or having breakfast, the time of the call shows th

  • 英语四级阅读基础练习题200篇(附答案)(194)

    The accuracy of cientific observations and calculations is always at the mercy of the scientist’s timekeeping methods. For this reason,scientists are interested in devices that give promise of m

  • 英语四级阅读基础练习题200篇(附答案)(195)

    Liberia, the oldest independent Negro state in West A frica, has been struggling for survial ever since its foundation in 1822.Progress has been hampered by constant hostility between the American Neg

  • 英语四级阅读基础练习题200篇(附答案)(196)

     Accreditation is a system for setting national standards of quality in education. The United States is unique in the would because its accreditation system is not administered by the government , b

  • 英语四级阅读基础练习题200篇(附答案)(197)

    Kite flying is the sport of sending up into the air,by means of the wind , a light frame covered with paper,plastic or cloth. The frame can be one of many different shapes and is attached to a long st

  • 英语四级阅读基础练习题200篇(附答案)(158)

    In 1993. New York State ordered stores to charge a deposit on beverage (饮料) containers. Within a year. Consumers had returned millions of aluminum cans and glass and plastic bottles. Plenty of com

  • 英语四级阅读基础练习题200篇(附答案)(159)

    Unless we spend money to spot and prevent asteroids (小行星) now, one might crash into Earth and destroy life as we know it, say some scientists.Asteroids are bigger versions of the meteoroids (

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